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You Want To Start An NFT Project In The Current Saturated Market? A Marketing Consultant With Over 400 NFT Projects Shares His Experience

May 5, 2022|

NFTs have created lucrative opportunities for artists and traders, but those are far from the only industry job created by the new trend. Marketing consultants who specialize in Web3 services have been in high demand.  Arvin Khamseh happens to be one of the most successful [...]

Mark Zuckerberg Hints At NFTs Coming To Instagram

May 5, 2022|

Non-fungible token technology is becoming integrated into the operations of many companies, including car manufacturers and real estate firms. Even if many novel and innovative businesses have embraced the new technology, tech giants such as Youtube and Meta have been reluctant to give any promises. [...]

Everybody Is Jumping On The NFT Train, Even eBay

March 22, 2022|

Some have compared NFTs to a 21st-century gold rush, where everybody is trying to get a bit of the wealth that they generate. Some plunge into the industry much earlier than others, optimistic about its value or perhaps a bit overconfident. While other investors or [...]