What Value Do Silicon Valley See In NFTs?

NFTs can be seen everywhere nowadays. From the art market places for which they were designed to their implementation in car companies, gaming companies and even real estate.  Many critics have made sharp comments about the actual value of NFTs. Some skeptics claim that NFTs are just empty documents [...]

2022-02-11T23:17:25+00:00February 11, 2022|NFT|

Backlash Forces WWF To Drop Their NFT Project

Facing massive backlash, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is stopping the sale of its NFTs. The pushback they received came from environmentalists concerned that the NFT industry, no matter the technology, will leave a significant carbon footprint.  The cancellation of the NFT project follows the announcement that came earlier [...]

2022-02-11T21:53:06+00:00February 11, 2022|Big Brands, NFT|
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