McDonald’s Finds A Way To Join The Hype And Enter The Metaverse

McDonald's is preparing to make a move towards the metaverse. The company has filed ten trademark applications to build a "virtual restaurant featuring actual and virtual goods." The trademarks include virtual food and beverages and "downloadable multimedia files containing artwork, text, audio and video files and non-fungible tokens." The [...]

2022-02-10T13:50:03+00:00February 10, 2022|Big Brands, Metaverse, NFT|

RedDeer.Games To Invest Heavy Into NFTs

In recent years the gaming world has shifted from the dominance of MMORPG, Mobas, and Fist-Person Shooters to a higher presence of Indie Games where the players can take a break from the constant competition and immerse themselves in a beautiful storyline. One of the giants in the indie [...]

2022-02-10T01:07:39+00:00February 9, 2022|Gaming, NFT|

NFT Auction Records To Be Broken By a $42 Million Deal

Non-fungible tokens are the new craze of the internet. They are proof of ownership over a digital asset. You have a certificate for ownership that assigns you as the exclusive owner.  Many are confused and amused by the concept because, technically, nothing stops a stranger from downloading and using [...]

2022-02-09T21:10:20+00:00February 9, 2022|NFT|
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